Groundwater and Aquifers

Seventy (70) percent of the earth’s surface is covered in water. Only 1% of that water is readily available for human use, and of that 1%, the vast majority—99%—is stored beneath our feet as groundwater! That makes groundwater an incredibly valuable natural resource, even if we can’t see it. That’s why we refer to groundwater as “Hidden Water” here at Water Rocks!.

Half of the U.S. population relies on groundwater for drinking water, and that number goes up to nearly 99% in rural areas. In addition, about 70% of groundwater is used to irrigate agricultural crops.

So just how do we access that out-of-sight groundwater? Through wells, water is brought up from aquifers (areas underground that hold water in the gaps between rock, sand, and gravel) to the surface for human use. The following resources will help you dive into a pool of information about groundwater and aquifers.

Video Resources

Hidden Water

What is Groundwater? – QUEST Science

Water Is Life – A Culture of Conservation series

Groundwater Flow Model Demonstration – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

Enhanced Learning Activities

Edible Aquifers

A Culture of Conservation Activity Booklet (Grades 6-12)


Additional Resources

Groundwater Foundation 

Thirstin's Ground Water Movement – U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Ground Surfaces and Infiltration – Penn State University

Aquifers and Groundwater – U.S. Geological Survey

National Groundwater Association